Tuesday, July 27, 2010

july 27 2010

So, today is Tuesday. Or at least I think it is. It is very difficult to keep up with the passage of time as it is summer and I am not obligated to be anywhere or do anything therefore being knowledgeable about frivolities such as date and time is entirely too much to ask.

Hi. My name is Amber. It sounds like I am in the 3rd grade writing my autobiography. Well don't get too excited, a third grader's may be much more interesting than mine. Basically my life is education. I love school, learning, books, reading, writing...that's me, that's what I do. I am a student and I teach. Currently, 12 of my 36 hours of graduate work have been completed and in the fall I will embark on my third full year of teaching high school social studies.

The purpose of this blog: an outlet when I have nothing else to do, hence the title. Perhaps, sending my thoughts and experiences into the great blue yonder known as the internet will help me believe they have value, when in reality they are simply lackluster notions from someone who may very well depart from this world the same as she entered, without impact. Anyways, if your interest has been piqued, by all means continue reading this blog when you have nothing else to do.


  1. Hi Amber... Wuzz up??? :o)

  2. Btw ur too uptight in ur blog...relax, its still suMMer!!! ENJOY!!!!
