Wednesday, July 28, 2010

i hate the term "hump day"

So today is Wednesday. I am aware of that because I have just returned from a church and based on the number of attendants and dress, it could not possibly be Sunday.

I have not entirely utilized my time wisely today. I do have some sewing to do. Yes, I sew on a sewing machine and no, I'm not 95. Generally, my sewing machine only sees the light of day during powwow season. Currently, I am working on a grass regalia for my sorority sister's husband. It is my first time sewing for a man, usually I work with women and children, but there is a first for everything.

I will limit my post to just that for today. Let's face it, you've learned a great deal about me in this brief blog: I attend church, sew, powwow, and am in a sorority.

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